Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools we can use to release blocks in the mind that keep us from achieving total joy and happiness. It is a relaxed state of mind where we are able to work with the subconscious mind (our emotional center) to eliminate emotional blocks and reprogram positive thinking or new habits. Remember a Hypnotist does not treat or cure a problem. I will not diagnose an illness like an MD or Psychiatrist but often I work in conjunction with them.
Is anyone an especially good candidate for hypnosis? My experience to date is that I have never met a person who cannot be hypnotized. Hypnosis is merely deep relaxation – and everyone likes that don’t they? In this relaxed state the mind accepts new suggestions more easily.
Beginning the process. Success in hypnosis first begins with the client wanting to be hypnotized and trusting the process and the hypnotist. Please take advantage of my offer for a free phone consultation to answer all of your questions.
Fill out intake form. When a client of mine decides they want a session, their first step is to fill out the intake form which I can email or the client can download it on line. This begins to outline the possible causes focus on what needs to be released and what is the outcome the client wants to accomplish with this challenge. Most of our challenges result from unresolved emotional issues or old negative belief systems.
First half of a session. The session is three hours long. The first 1 ½ hrs of the session is conscious level discussion. Together we create a plan of what we want to release and what new behavior you the client wants to program in the subconscious. You can almost think of the mind like a computer where you can take out (actually make peace with) negative thoughts and behaviors and then program wanted new thoughts and behaviors. The subconscious holds all of our emotions and habits. Hypnosis can tap into the inner mind and create new possibilities. The conscious mind is our analytical and critical factor which can be by passed using hypnosis.
Second half of a session. Then the second half of the session is the actual hypnosis. I demonstrate with a simple exercise of hypnosis to those that have never experienced it. In hypnosis, like meditation, the more often you do it the quicker and deeper you are based on letting the conscious mind go and allowing the work to be done in the subconscious mind where your true self of your personal, goals, dreams and desires lie. Hypnosis is created through a series of relaxation techniques. The hypnotist is merely a guide for you to experience and process what you desire. I work with a series of techniques of Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Reiki energy healing and Chakra Healing to enhance the experience and create shifts in the subconscious mind , body and soul of my clients.
Audio recording. During the hypnosis part of the session I make a recording of whatever I say to my client. After the session I transcribe the recording into an mp3 or other format for my clients to r-hypnotize themselves. This allows them to be hypnotized and focus on the challenge at home on their own. I suggest for the client to go to sleep with the mp3 for at least 21 days after the session.
Life challenges for which people see a hypnotist. Any challenge can be helped with Hypnosis. Although the most popular reasons why people go to a hypnotist are self confidence, weight loss,pain control, smoking cessation, sexual dysfunction, scholastic goals, fears and phobias, any challenge of emotions and habits can be worked on through hypnosis. You can get ideas of many other possibilities on my web site. Ofcourse a physical ailment must have medical attention also and severe mental issues also need the proper psychological attention. But Hypnosis is a powerful tool to enhance healing in both physical and mental challenges. The medical community has admitted to the importance of the mind, body connection in healing. There are now emotional and negative behaviors connected with ailments such as pain, diseases such as cancer and many others, addiction, stress, weight disorders and sexual dysfunction. It is also a very effective tool to empower a client in relationships, success, self confidence, scholastic goals.
Incorporating hypnosis techniques in your daily life. I always tell my clients, I will give you the tools but 50% of the focus and work is yours. You then must start incorporating these techniques and positive applications in your life. The subconscious sends messages that we need to listen to on the conscious level. Like, I don’t want to eat that, It’s bad for me! or I am a Brilliant, Powerful, Amazing person! or That relationship was not for me I am now ready for the Perfect Mate! or Yuck Smoking is disgusting! You must focus and act on it. Remember change happens with focus and in baby steps one step at a time and before you know it your there. Our life is so stressed out today sometimes I find people are on to their next Challenge without appreciating or relishing in their initial success.
Empower people to be the magnificent being they are. One of the most important things I do is Empower people to be the magnificent being they are. I have not met one client whether, disabled, overweight, addicted, unemployed, hopeless, that was not empowered by this focus and work. Each of you has a very special combination of talents and attributes that simply require passion, focus and positive thoughts to succeed in what you want in your life. Hypnosis can help you get there!
Hypnosis can help with many of life’s challenges. Below is a list of 26 common ones. You can find links to the ones we’ve written about in the left navigation column.
- Smoking Cessation
- Boost Weight Loss
- Self Confidence
- Release Anxiety
- Create Success
- Relationships
- Hypnochildbirth
- Stress Reduction
- Post-Traumatic Stess
- Prosperity
- Pain Control
- Panic Attacks
- Fears & Phobias
- Surgical Recovery
- Headaches
- Stuttering
- Emotional Balancing
- Public Speaking
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Insomnia
- Past Life Regression
- Immune Enhancement
- Cancer & Other Dis Ease
- Scholastic Achievement
- Photographic Memory
- Habits
- Sports Goals
Here is a link to a video made by my friend John McGrail, Certified Hypnotist .
Click here to read what her clients say about working with Trudy Beers.
To request your FREE consultation with Trudy Beers just click here.