Past Life Regression Certification
Instructor: Hollis Baker
Instructor Biography |
Hollis Baker has 18 years of experience using clinical and medical hypnosis to assist others in reaching into their past lives. Her Past Life Regression Therapy technique is an eclectic gathering of traditional clinical hypnosis and her unique methods of taking a client through this very personal discovery.
Her unique delivery combines both humor and compassion to obtain results. As a featured speaker on television and radio, she has lectured on past life regression therapy. She frequently appears as a keynote speaker in corporate lectures and health fairs informing the public about the possibilities of Past Life Therapy.
Holly is a faculty member in good standing with The National Guild of Hypnotists and has worked at the Complementary Health Program at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.
Past Life Regression Certification |
Past Life Regression is an Aid to Healing and Self-Empowerment
Past life regression is based on the premise that many of our problems, as well as talents have their roots in previous incarnations. One can permanently eliminate fears, ill health and negative behavior through this therapy. By regressing to a past life, the origins of present habits, phobias and negative tendencies can be uncovered.
Workshop participants will receive a full notebook of scripts and therapy suggestions that are demonstrated and practiced in the class. Students can use these techniques for bettering their own lives and those students who are also therapists themselves, will be learning new techniques to employ with their clients.
Learn to utilize these amazing tools to enhance your practice and your life.
Certification |
Upon successful completion of this course you will receive certificates for 8 CEU credits from the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Course: Past Life Regression Certification Instructor: Hollis Baker, Certified Hypnotist Date: Feb. 28-Mar.1, 2015, Noon-6PM Price: $495 @ door or $395 10 days prior Register On-line |
APRIL 2015 |
Course: Past Life Regression Certification Instructor: Hollis Baker, Certified Hypnotist Date: Apr. 4-5, 2015, Noon-6PM Price: $495 @ door or $395 10 days prior Register On-line |